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To be held virtually
Tuesday, April 25, 2023

All members are welcome to attend

and are required to register in advance by email before April 15.


Once we validate your membership we will send you a virtual meeting link.


Join our Board of Directors!
We are looking for enthusiastic, conscientious members who are representative of the diverse communities we serve.

If you would like to join our team, please ensure your membership is in good standing and submit a brief explanation (500 words or less) of who you are and why you would like to join our Board of Directors. Please also include a photo of yourself and indicate the position you are running for.

Your submission and photo will be posted to our Election Candidates website.

All submissions should be sent to our email address:

Join our Board of Directors

We are looking for enthusiastic, conscientious members who are representative of the diverse communities we serve.

If you would like to join our team, please ensure your membership is in good standing and submit a brief explanation (500 words or less) of who you are and why you would like to join the executive board for Serving with Pride. Please also include a photo of yourself and the position you are running for. Your submission and photo will be posted to our Election Candidates website.

All submissions should be sent to our email address: by April 8, 2023.


Co-Chair: 2-Year Term (2 seats available)

The Co-chair shall be the chief Board and operating officers of the Organization and, subject to the authority of the Board shall have general supervision of the business of the Organization, and shall without limiting the generality of the foregoing:

  1. Preside at all meetings of the Board or committees of the Board.

  2. Appoint standing committees and special committees.

  3. Act as member ex-officio of all committees.

  4. Coordinate committees.

  5. Endorse collections, cheques, notes and other obligations and deposits in the bank of the Organization.

Secretary: 3-Year Term (1 seat available)

The Secretary shall perform, among other things, the following functions: 

  1. Maintain such books, documents and papers as the Board shall determine

  2. Attend and keep detailed minutes of all meetings of the Board and Members

  3. Transcribe minutes and send copies to all members of the Board within thirty days after the meeting

  4. Receive correspondence and other materials for the Organization and maintain them in orderly files. Respond to correspondence as requested by the Co-chairs and/or Board. Keep copies of all outgoing correspondence sent out by any member of the Board. 

  5. Assure that the records and files are available at meetings as may be needed or requested for reference. Provide advice to the Co-chairs and Board as requested during meetings. 

  6. Present minutes for approval at Member meetings and Board meetings either in writing or as read, unless otherwise waived by a majority of the Members or of the Board, as the case may be.


Strategic Planning & Communications Director: 2-Year Term (1 seat available)

The Strategic planning and communications director shall perform, among other things, the following functions: 

  1. Prepare a regular Business Plan outlining direction and activities for the Organization.

  2. Prepare and provide official communications for the various platforms, including website, social media, news releases, newsletters and other communications determined by the Board. 

  3. Development and maintenance of website(s), social media channels and other official platforms to be determined by the Board. 

  4. Act as the official representative for media requests and other public facing opportunities


Director: 2-Year Term (1 seat available)
Youth Director: 2-Year Term and 3-Year Term (2 seats 

In order to stagger the terms of youth directors there will be a 2-year term for one and a 3-year term for the other. Directors and Youth Directors shall perform, among other things, the following functions:

  1. Accept or volunteer for duties required or delegated to them by the Co-chairs.

Visit our Election Candidates page for a list of the people running for a position.

Donate today
and help us educate our peers

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